Monday, October 22, 2012

Workforce Reform in the Commonwealth: Strategies for Success ...

Strategies used over two gubernatorial administrations to encourage collaboration, partnership, and cooperation among the partners in education, workforce and economic development was a key topic of discussion at the National Career Pathways Network Conference in Richmond, VA.

Moderated by Paula Dehetre, Virginia Community College System, Panelists included: Huey Battle, Virginia Workforce Council, Kathy Byron, Virginia General Assembly, Elizabeth Creamer, Office of the Governor and Craig Herndon, Virginia Community College System. The strategies they outlined are below.

HB1060/SB489 Secondary school graduation requirements; diplomas

This legislation consolidated seven diplomas into three: standard, advanced studies and special diploma (for students who are disabled). Streamlining diplomas will help prepare students for post-secondary education and career readiness and will accommodate students with disabilities.

Growing State Economies

The key to economic growth is in middle skills jobs, which require more than a high school but less than a four year degree. Career pathways can closely track what industries need and identify what curriculum and learning must to be addressed to fill those jobs.

Workforce Plan/Career Pathways

Virginia?s Workforce Plan covers two primary issues ? utilizing the resources of the workforce system to expand college degrees to 100,000 and address the middle skills gap by improving and expanding pipelines in targeted business sectors. Career pathways is one vehicle for meeting these goals and therefore it is a primary workforce model in Virginia.

Role of Community College System

Strategic goals of Virginia?s Community College System are to increase credential attainment, increase employment attainment and enhance services to businesses. The Career Readiness Certificate is an assessment-based credential that gives employers and career seekers a uniform measure of key workplace skills, offered through community colleges and workforce centers. High school Career Coaches are community college employees based in local high schools to help students prepare for college and careers, including apprenticeships and workforce training. The On Ramp program targets unemployed and underemployed workers impacted by business closures, downsizing, or regional high rates of unemployment.

National Governors Association Chair?s Initiative- Growing State Economies Full Report

Workforce Reform in the Commonwealth ? Panel Report


republican candidates mike martz hokies quadrantid norv turner jerry angelo work it

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